ERacer Aircraft 


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2020 Flying Adventures

Welcome to another year of Flying!  Below is a month by month recap of our ERacer Flying for 2020.  Enjoy!!

​​​​​​​​​January 2020,

This month was cold and rainy but we had a few nice days to get the ERacer out to fly.  Looking forward to the warmer

Spring weather.

February 2020

It was a another wet month but I mananged to get the ERacer out a bit.

March and April, 2020

The last couple months have had the world in a strange situation due to the virus and all the mis-information that has driven our economy into the hole.  I still have a job...for now, so I still try to enjoy the flying when possible.  KFFC did stop selling fuel to us so we could "isolate".... Dont see any better way to do that than fly.   Our airport is back to normal now as we slowly come out of this.  i did get my annual inspection don e buy the 2020 Bahama Bash was cancelled....Looking forward to perhaps Kanab in September.

May, 2020

We had some good weather and I was able to get out a bit.  Hoping to fly to Texas to visit family in June,

I was able to do some flying for my grandsons.  I am making a booster seat for their first flight coming soon.

June 2020,

We were able to get out on an adventure this month.  We flew the ERacer out to Killeen Texas to visit my daughter and her husband.  It was fun getting out of Georgia and the weather was great.

July 2020,

This month we flew down to Amelia Island Florida for a little beach vacation.  Was a great FBO to visit.

August 2020,

This was a big month for ERacer Aircraft.  We hosted our 8th Annual "Canards Over Georgia" bbq lunch fly-in.  It was a banner year with 11 aircraft which included 8 canards on display with plenty of good bbq.  We fed about 35 people and the weather was outstanding.  Thanks to everyone that flew or drove in to visit!!

September 2020,

This month was a big flying month for the ERacer.  I flew out to Kanab, Utah for the annual Canard fly-in hosted this year by Allen Floyd and Laura Noel.  The City of Kanab always supports the fly -in as does Kevin , The airport manager,  We had 32 canard aircraft in attendance.  On Sunday was a timed event and an awards dinner that night.  It was a great time with fellow Canardians.  On the way home I dropped into Houston to visit my parents.  The airplane performed flawlessly and I put about 22 hours on her.

October - November 2020

I got in a couple local flight and then decided to replace a few old needle type instruments so the plane has been down.  During this time, I have also been able to some small repairs and things I have been wanting to do for a while.  I then decided since everything was taken apart to just do many of the inspection Items that needed to be done.  Hope to be flying again after the Thanksgiving vacation.

December 2020

As this crazy year ends, I find myself looking so forward to a new and better year.  But I always know that the good Lord Jesus is always in control!!!!

I was able to get up a few times this month though I am still waiting for a backordered fuel pressure gauge to complete my instrument upgrades.  Hopefully in January I can show you what I have done.  I am already soooo looking forward to our annual Bahama Fly-out  in April.  It will not get here soon enough.